
Begin your journey with us!

Thank you for your interest in the Psychedelic Incubator.

We are eager to welcome you into the program, but there are a couple steps you’ll need to take first. These including filling out the application below, scheduling an assessment meeting (30 minutes) with our staff, and, if approved, submitting your deposit or full payment for the program.

Due to the nature of our program, we need to make sure all participants are a good fit. It is especially important to understand that this retreat is focused on exploring creativity and expanding your consciousness to the creative life impulse. THIS OFFERING IS NOT FOR TRAUMA, DEPRESSION, PTSD, C-PTSD, ANXIETY, OR ANY OTHER MENTAL HEALTH (OR MEDICAL) ISSUES.

Please review our Payment & Cancellation Policy below, as well as important dates for the program. You will also be required to sign a Consent and Release form, and Waiver of Liability, prior to acceptance into the program.

Register Now

Payment & Cancellation Policy

The full cost of the Psychedelic Incubator program is $2,495. This does not include travel.

The fee covers program expenses, included staff time and rental of the retreat space. It should not be construed as a payment for any psychedelic substance, nor will psilocybin mushrooms be offered for sale at any time.

Completely optionally and with your full consent, you will have the opportunity to consume psilocybin mushrooms as part of our ceremony offering, on a gift basis. You may opt out of this aspect of our offering, and it does not change the price of the program.

Once you’ve completed your assessment interview with our staff, you may be invited to participate in the program. At that time, a non-refundable deposit of $750 will be required to reserve your spot.  (This deposit is non-refundable regardless of illness, flight cancellations/delays, emergencies, death or travel/weather circumstances.)

Full payment is due by July 7, or upon acceptance into the program, if you are registering after that date.

If you decide to cancel your registration for any reason, you must let us know as soon as possible. For cancellations prior to July 7, we will refund your program fee minus the deposit. After July 7, we cannot refund your full program free, but 50% of the balance can be applied to a future retreat with us within one year.

We reserve the right to cancel or postpone the retreat due to unforeseen circumstances. In this event, your deposit and payment will be refunded in full, but we are not responsible for travel or lodging expenses.

Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions about any of the above, please feel free to bring them up during your initial interview.

Important Dates

Information Sessions

  • By Appointment

Preparation Sessions

Both sessions are virtual, and will be conducted via Zoom video conference.

  • July 25 at 5 pm MDT
  • 1-on-1 session to be scheduled individually

Retreat at Drala Mountain Center, Colorado

  • Arrival: Friday, August 9, between 2–4 pm MDT
  • Ceremony: Saturday, August 10 (in the evening)
  • Closing Circle: Sunday, August 11 (in the morning)
  • Departure: Sunday, August 11 (anytime in the afternoon)

Integration Sessions

Both sessions are virtual, and will be conducted via Zoom video conference.

  • Thursday, August 29 at 4 pm MDT
  • 1-on-1 session to be scheduled individually (within 1 month after the retreat)

The Program

Two preparation and two integration sessions (online), with group meet-ups and individual coaching, will help you cultivate the right mindset to make the most of your retreat experience.

The Ceremony

You will have the option to go on a Hero’s Journey with psilocybin mushrooms in an intimate, small-group setting, and freely explore your consciousness, with our team of guides holding the space.

The Place

Nestled in the northern Colorado mountains, about 2 hours drive from Denver, soaked in natural beauty, the Drala Mountain Center provides our sacred sanctuary for creative exploration.


Attend a free info session to learn more.

Wondering if the Psychedelic Incubator is right for you? Let’s talk! Paulina and Marco will be offering a series of free virtual informational sessions, for anyone who would like to meet us, ask questions, and learn more.

Upcoming Dates: By Appointment