Marco V Morelli
Creative Organizer & Visionary Guide

My Story
I am a poet, writer, editor, and publisher by vocation; a founder of Cosmos Cooperative, Metapsychosis journal, and the Infinite Conversations forum; and the author of I AM THE SINGULARITY, a book of visionary poetry due out from Untimely Books in late 2025.
Born in New York City in 1975 to immigrant parents from El Salvador and Italy, I grew up in a suburb on Long Island and completed my undergraduate studies at Binghamton University, with a double-major in Philosophy and Comparative Literature. I then joined an international non-profit, volunteering with a small team in Nicaragua, where I worked on a rural construction project dedicated to community health. During this time, I translated young poets, eventually publishing an anthology of Nicaraguan poetry titled Ruben’s Orphans: Anthology of Contemporary Nicaraguan Poetry (Painted Rooster Press, 2000).
From 2003 to 2007, I worked with philosopher Ken Wilber as a member of Integral Institute, where I co-authored the handbook Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Shambhala Publications, 2008). Since 2013, I have been dedicated to building the Cosmos community and bringing the vision of Cosmos Co-op into being.
I enjoy spending time outdoors with my wife and daughters; practicing meditation and energy arts; reading books and listening to music; and going on inner and outer adventures with friends.

My Approach
I have worked in a variety of creative and collaborative relationships over the years, and have honed my skills in seeing the potential in others and bringing forth the best in a situation, whenever possible.
As a deep listener, I try to discern what is unspoken and needing to be said, and raise this to language whenever appropriate. My explorations with psychedelics, which I began in earnest in 2013 (not including youthful misadventures) have led me to become more familiar and at ease with the contents of my own consciousness (and those of others), and to re-imagine the possibilities of life, the universe, and everything in correspondingly interesting ways.
I have always combined my adventures with meditation, yoga, energy work, exercise, nutrition, reading, and contemplation, which has served to enhance and my overall experience, allowing me, I believe, to go deeper, more sustainably, than I would have otherwise. I tend to work well with people who are committed to their personal growth and creative development at a deep level, which enables us to have synergistic and mutually supportive relationships. Nothing delights me more than to witness a person’s work really blossom with authenticity and excellence.
Marco is pretty close to an artist/writer’s dream: he’s a heart-full as well as very brainy supporter/collaborator, an honest but kindly critic and editor. For example, read my 500+ page spec fic/cli fi novel, See You In Our Dreams (to be re-issued by Cosmos Co-op’s publishing branch, Untimely Books) more than once, then organized a year+ live reading roundtable (via zoom) and discussion group which included a couple of free-form musical jams: toning, rattles, percussion, a couple of “shared meals” and more. An extravaganza, really. He also co-edited/published Portraits, my most recent book of poems focused around a handful of beloved human, and other- than-human, beings. (May, 2024 from Untimely Books, which he also co-founded.) Besides all this, he’s a good friend to all those he works with, who untiringly cultivates his own creative spirit alongside your own. While wide open to art as work-play and to the flourishing of this divinely beautiful Earth and its creatures, he also clearly recognizes and honors necessary “speed limits” and thoughtful cautions which make on-going creativity sustainable.
—Maía, poet, artist, and author of See You In Our Dream, Portraits, Postcards from Jackson, and other books
As a stranger in a strange land, as the rebellious child of a delinquent antediluvian trickster, as an inadvertent cosmic tourist who had left some two-thirds of his memory with the baggage, I was shocked—well, pleasantly surprised—to encounter Marco Morelli as a friend and guide and editor. In 2016, I had seen and heard and been impressed by Marco’s video reading of his poem “I Am the Singularity,” and my correspondent J.F. Martel had suggested that we meet. As indifferent as always to recommendations for first contact, I had sent Marco a three-page email and a half-dozen essays and long prose-poems to read. I did not hear back. Then, six months later, quite unexpectedly, he responded, at some length, and we have been as close as spiritual brothers ever since. Do I feel at home in the world now? Not really, but I do feel much more at home in the cosmos, in that ground in which my roots have never ceased to be entangled, in that sky in which we share the same air as the gods. Marco has led me, as both an editor and a fellow cosmonaut and a friend, to a far greater expectation that all our private “raids on the unsayable” will be seen, that what we believe to be a kind of private leap into the depths will be understood and supported. I trust Marco not only with my poetry and my prose but also—and more importantly—with my primal state of awareness.
—Brian George, artist, essayist, poet, and author of Masks of Origin: Regression in the Service of Omnipotence, X: Revenge of the Autogenes, Voyage to a Nonexistent Home, and other books
Beginning in July of 2019, I participated in a few online reading groups of Sri Aurobindo’s works hosted by Infinite Conversations and in some of their conversations in the Cosmos Cafe. When the co-op initiated the Untimely Books publishing house, their first motivation was to publish their members, most of whom were writers. Marco V Morelli is the creative force behind all these endeavors. When he offered to publish my memoirs, I could hardly believe my good fortune. His generosity and acceptance of my multi-faceted complicated life was quite remarkable. He did not flinch at the main theme of my book, being the daughter of a Nazi, nor at having quite the variety of relationships and sexual adventures, and working with psychedelics for my healing. He kindly invited me to come and stay with his family to help me create an audio recording of my book. I have felt infinitely blessed and grateful to have him as my final editor and publisher. His kindness, his consideration and patience with me, his meticulous attention to detail and his literary sensibilities have made the publishing process an enjoyable experience. I trust him completely.
—Andrea van de Loo, author of The Pressing Stones: The Healing Journey of a Nazi’s Daughter
Attend a free info session to learn more.
Wondering if the Psychedelic Incubator is right for you? Let’s talk! Paulina and Marco will be offering a series of free virtual informational sessions, for anyone who would like to meet us, ask questions, and learn more.
Upcoming Dates: By Appointment