
Overview & Schedule

With the Psychedelic Incubator, we are excited to offer a one-of-its-kind program designed specifically for writers, artists, and creatives from all walks of life, who want to explore the potential of psychedelics (specifically, psilocybin mushrooms) to develop a creative idea or enhance your creativity more generally.

Our program includes three phrases, all of which are important and essential: preparation, retreat/ceremony, and integration.


Our first group meeting will occur virtually (via Zoom video conference) on July 25th at 5 pm MDT for one hour. During this session, you’ll get to meet your fellow travelers, share a little about yourself, talk about the creative process, and learn more about how the retreat and ceremony are going to be structured. You will also receive some exercises and practices to work on over the couple weeks leading up to the retreat.

Between 1–3 weeks before the retreat, you will also be invited to schedule a one-on-one (or, rather, one-on-two) virtual session with Paulina and Marco. This will be an opportunity to go deeper into your individual goals, hopes, concerns, and intentions, focusing both on the ceremony itself (with Paulina) and your creative development (with Marco). Depending on our available times, we may schedule these together (for one hours) or separately (for 30 minutes each).

Retreat & Ceremony

The retreat will take place at Drala Mountain Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, where we have the Red Feather Conference Center (including a main hall and cabins, with individual rooms) reserved for our group. It is a beautiful, secluded spot, nestled in the woods, which we will have all to ourselves from Friday afternoon through Sunday morning.

Please plan to arrive between 2 and 4 pm on Friday, August 9th, to check in.

The retreat will begin with a Welcome & Orientation meeting at 4 pm, followed by dinner, a nature walk, and meditation to round out the evening.

On Saturday, August 10th, we’ll begin the day with Quigong or Yoga (TBD) and meditation, followed by breakfast. This will lead into a Creative Exploration session for two hours, with both group and individual components.

After lunch, we’ll have a group preparation session to discuss our upcoming journey. Following the session, you’ll have free time to hike, write, draw, play music, or rest ahead of the ceremony that evening. We’ll ask that you respect “sacred silence” during this time, and use this as an opportunity to begin your journey within.

We’ll meet again around 6 pm to begin the ceremony. This will start with a meditation and sound therapy work, then we’ll prepare to take the medicine. You can expect the journey to last until around midnight, after which we’ll have light snacks and refreshments available in case you are hungry.

On Sunday, August 11th, we’ll again begin the day with body/energy work and meditation, followed by breakfast, and then a group integration circle, where you’ll have an opportunity to process your experience from the night before.

Our exact timing on Sunday will be dependent on how late we’ve gone the night before, and how people are feeling in the morning. However, the retreat will formally end at 12:30 pm, by which time you’ll also need to be checked out of your room. We’ll have a closing circle before that time, then you’ll be free to stay on the grounds of the Drala Mountain Center for as long as you like. You could go on another hike, spend time writing or drawing, or visit the beautiful Buddhist stupa which is on the property.


The weeks following the retreat are a golden opportunity for you to put the insights you’ve gained from your ceremony experience into practice.

We’ll have a group integration virtual meeting on August 29th, at 5 pm MDT, and you’ll also be invited to schedule an individual meeting with Paulina and Marco

We’ll be eager to hear about your ongoing projects and new ideas! You’ll be welcome to stay in touch, and continue as a member of the community via our private forum group on the Infinite Conversations platform.

The Program

Two preparation and two integration sessions (online), with group meet-ups and individual coaching, will help you cultivate the right mindset to make the most of your retreat experience.

The Ceremony

You will have the option to go on a Hero’s Journey with psilocybin mushrooms in an intimate, small-group setting, and freely explore your consciousness, with our team of guides holding the space.

The Place

Nestled in the northern Colorado mountains, about 2 hours drive from Denver, soaked in natural beauty, the Drala Mountain Center provides our sacred sanctuary for creative exploration.


Attend a free info session to learn more.

Wondering if the Psychedelic Incubator is right for you? Let’s talk! Paulina and Marco will be offering a series of free virtual informational sessions, for anyone who would like to meet us, ask questions, and learn more.

Upcoming Dates: By Appointment