
What to expect during the Psychedelic Incubator

While every psychedelic ceremony is unique, and your experience of the same medicine will change with each encounter, there are some aspects of a ceremonial experience that you can rely on to provide structure. In the case of the Psychedelic Incubator, here is what you can expect.

First, we will create a safe boundary within our ceremonial space. For the duration of the ceremony, you will be expected to stay within the boundaries of the space. This is simply for safety, so that nobody wanders off and potentially gets lost in the woods. While we will have a lounge area available, if you feel the need to move around, we recommend that you spend the majority of the time (especially during your peak experience) in the main hall, lying down comfortably, with an eye mask on. The reason for this is to help you go as far inside yourself as possible, without being distracted by what’s going on around you. That said, at any time you feel the need, you are welcome to write, draw, or sketch, to the degree you are able. (You may find that it is easier to wait until you are “coming down” to do so.)

We recommend not interacting with other participants until after the ceremony is complete. Every journey is individual, and it is important for each participant to use the opportunity to explore their own consciousness as deeply as possible. That said, before and after the ceremony, there will be time for interacting with the others and co-creating a supportive group field. Even while you are journeying within yourself, you will never be totally alone. The collective intention of the group makes the journey more powerful. And, if you need help at any point, one of our staff will be there to assist you.

Your intention (your mindset) for the ceremony is extremely important, and we will spend time during the preparation sessions cultivating our intentions. For example, you may resolve to face certain fears you have. Or, you may have specific questions about which you want to ask the universe, the mushrooms, or your own mind for guidance. You may be seeking a creative solution to a difficult problem. Ask within for the spiritual resources you need!

That said, it is important to realize that once you have taken the medicine, things may go in a different direction than you were expecting. There is no simple Point A to Point B in the psychedelic experience. Wise psychonauts have long recognized that you don’t always get the journey you want, but you get the journey you need. The best approach, therefore, is to let go, surrender to the experience—as on a river floating downstream—and become a curious witness of your own mind. You’ll be surprised what you learn, when you are not forcing the journey to conform to your expectations.

A mushroom journey typically lasts between 4 and 6 hours, during which time we will have supportive music playing, which helps your mind to focus and go further within. For the Psychedelic Incubator, we will start the ceremony a couple of hours before sunset, so that your peak experience will occur while it is dark out, and will continue into the evening. About 60 to 90 minutes after you have taken the mushrooms, we will check in to see how you are doing. At that point, if you feel you need for more medicine, we can provide an additional dose. We will continue to sit with you until the effects wear off.

One important note about the structure of our program: No participant will be expected or required to take psilocybin mushrooms. If you decide to do so, this is purely by consent. We offer them to you as a gift. You may, if you wish, decide to participate in the entire program, including the retreat, without taking any psychedelic medicine. The cost of the program covers staff time, travel, accommodations, etc. But we consider the mushrooms themselves as a sacred gift, which we are happy to share with those who can benefit from them and are well-prepared for the experience.

Another important note about the Psychedelic Incubator: As a program for writers and artists, specifically designed to explore consciousness for the purpose of enhancing our creativity, this ceremony is explicitly not about working with trauma, addiction, medical healing, or for therapeutic purposes generally. While, of course, difficult emotions and mental patterns may arise when working with your own mind and your creative process—and we do have trained therapists on staff to address issues that may arise—this is not the main point of the program. The Psychedelic Incubator is not for you if you are struggling with your mental health, or you suffer from PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or any other psychological or medical condition that could put you at risk for a negative outcome.

That said, we also recognize that, in this world, everyone is facing significant challenges. The question is whether you genuinely feel that you are in position to work creatively with your situation—that you are ready to channel your difficulties, and the ones we collectively face, into your writing, art, music, film, etc.

The following video by Paulina Alanis gives more of an overview of the ceremony experience, with a focus on the healing aspects of psychedelic medicines. While it does not describe the Psychedelic Incubator exactly, it gives a taste of Paulina’s way of working and the kinds of ceremonies she regularly guides.

For more detailed information, please read our article, “Working with Psilocybin.”

The Program

Two preparation and two integration sessions (online), with group meet-ups and individual coaching, will help you cultivate the right mindset to make the most of your retreat experience.

The Ceremony

You will have the option to go on a Hero’s Journey with psilocybin mushrooms in an intimate, small-group setting, and freely explore your consciousness, with our team of guides holding the space.

The Place

Nestled in the northern Colorado mountains, about 2 hours drive from Denver, soaked in natural beauty, the Drala Mountain Center provides our sacred sanctuary for creative exploration.


Attend a free info session to learn more.

Wondering if the Psychedelic Incubator is right for you? Let’s talk! Paulina and Marco will be offering a series of free virtual informational sessions, for anyone who would like to meet us, ask questions, and learn more.

Upcoming Dates: By Appointment